Una lengua cuatro lenguas: propuesta didáctica cuatrilingüe para la intercomprensión entre romanófonos
Screti_Una lengua cuatro lenguas.pdf
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Llover y llorar: una metáfora histórica
Screti_llover y llorar.pdf
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The ideological appropriation of the letter K in the Spanish linguistic landscape
Screti_Letter K.pdf
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Defending the Joy against Popular Revolution: Legitimation and delegitimation through songs
Screti_Defending the Joy.pdf
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Let's live like Galicians: Nationalism in advertising
Screti_Let's live like Galicians.pdf
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La granja nacionalista española: El Toro (español), la Vaca (gallega), el Burro (catalán), la Oveja (vasca) y el Jabalí (vasco), símbolos identitarios en competición
Screti_La granja nacionalista española.p[...]
Documento Adobe Acrobat [308.6 KB]
Spanish Pasta: Food, advertising and nationalism
Screti_Spanish Pasta.pdf
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Re-writing Galicia: Spelling and the construction of social space
Screti_Re-writing Galicia.pdf
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Noi: il pronome della nazione
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Counter-revolutionary art: OBEY and the manufacturing of dissent
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Reclaiming popular sovereignty: The vision of the State in the discourse of Podemos and the Movimento 5 Stelle
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Populism in mediated anti-tourism discourse: a critical analysis of the documentary tourist go home!
Screti_Populism in antitourism discourse[...]
Documento Adobe Acrobat [1.4 MB]
Exclusive language ideology and solutions for inclusive language classes
Screti_Exclusive language ideologies_ETA[...]
Documento Adobe Acrobat [346.3 KB]
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last update: August 2024